My bruised and broken boy...
...and partner in farming crime, Tim, was out of the action for a couple of days. He broke his big toe last week when a heavy metal table fell on it and has been tramping around in a special boot all week. He's trying to stay off it now, but this isn't exactly the time of farming season that's conducive to stayinf off your feet! His toe is feeling pretty good these days, and he's already spending lots of time in the field (that boot is to the point where it's never coming clean). I wanted to get a picture of Tim in his heroic efforts in the field despite ailing toe and cumbersome shoe, but we're still lacking a digital camera and so I'll make due with a picture from last season. You can imagine a boot on Tim's foot, otherwise he pretty much looks the same this year (especially since the weather's been so nice we're already wearing shorts) only he's planting potatoes and not digging them. Since purchasing a digital camera for the farm is on Tim's to-do list, maybe he'll have some time now that he's supposed to be resting.
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