What Am I?
In our first CSA year, my sister and I weeded out all the mizuna (a spicy green) from our mesclun mix. When we had just finished up, Tim came along to set us straight!
That first CSA year we also lost the tags out of a couple of vining plants. So we planted the vines in a special little patch next to the greenhouse. Eventually we determined that the plant was a melon, and it was growing some huge fruit! Every day in August we eagerly thumped a watermelon, eager to eat it. Finally Tim pronounced it ready. We pulled it off the vine and chilled in the refrigerator. At last it was time to dig in. It took me 5 minutes to cut my way through the monster melon! I opened it up and was in for a surprise. The inside was white and dry. We were still clueless until we tasted the thing. It turns out we had harvested a green pumpkin. That was the worst...melon...ever!
The hardest time to identify a plant is in the spring--that's especially true when I plant something I haven't grown before. Sometimes I'll find myself a couple of weeks afterward staring at my plot, wondering what's weeds and what's not.
Earlier this month I ventured out with my camera and took pictures of plants that were just starting to pop up. I've posted some of the pictures below. See if you can guess what they are!
I'm a potato!