Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Red or White...or Green?

Here's yet another article from the New York Times about organic food--only this time, the focus is wine. "When the Wine is Green" talks about the growth in organic wines.

I found this quote to be particularly relevant to what we're trying to do with the CSA (emphasis mine):

Green has not yet replaced red or white or even pink as the most important color in deciding which wines to buy, but people have started to think about it. Words like organic, biodynamic, natural and sustainable are increasingly resonating with consumers, not just because they are concerned about health and the environment, but because they are beginning to associate them with great wine, the way organic has become a synonym for high-quality produce.

That’s largely because the growing number of producers who practice some form of natural grape growing and winemaking do so not just because they see it as environmentally responsible but because they believe these methods make better wine.

For all the reasons to eat organic (and, I would add, local) vegetables, the best one is the taste (and nutrients)!

Another interesting point the article explores is biodynamic methods, which we've experimented with. Even if you're not into wine, the article is worth checking out for its explanation of terms like organic, sustainable, biodynamic, and natural.


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